


课程策划总监 & 评估


Marieb 223

413.552.2284 (电话)





教育. 激励. 连接.


Holyoke Community College aspires to be a college of academic excellence known for helping students overcome barriers to success.


Holyoke Community College commits to delivering a transformational student experience characterized by:

  • 一个适合学生的环境,有吸引人的联系, 服务, 将资源整合在一起,以满足学生的需求并确保他们的成功;
  • 一个负担得起的, 为确保学生成绩公平而设计的相关教育, 提供就业和转学机会,使所有学生都能茁壮成长;
  • An approach to educating the whole person that consistently meets students where they are and engages them in real-world learning experiences; and
  • 一个充满活力的, 多样化的, 和包容的大学社区,丰富了学习经验, 给予坚定的鼓励, 并建立终身联系.

教师 and staff of Holyoke Community College commit to support this transformative experience through:

  • 支持和激励学生及其家庭的无障碍、指导性和直观的服务;
  • 促进课堂内外公平的文化响应做法;
  • 技术, data, 以及预测分析,使韦德买球网站能够提供个性化服务, 积极主动的, and responsive programs and service; and
  • An agile and supportive culture that recognizes the importance of professional development to build knowledge, 技能, 以及对我们学生的深刻理解.

善良、包容和信任是我们共同工作的基础. 创新和协作使我们能够探索和实施将塑造我们未来的想法.

创新: 我们赋予彼此探索的权力, 分享, 并实现我们的理念,不断改善所有人的韦德买球网站体验. 我们通过保持开放的心态,以创造性和敏捷性来做到这一点, 承担风险, 评估结果, 从错误中学习.

合作: 我们作为一个社区,通过开放的思想交流来发展和实现共同的目标. 为此,我们鼓励广泛参与, 有意的沟通, 以及对不同观点和专业知识的追求.

善良: 我们以同理心对待所有的互动,并考虑到彼此的需求. 我们以最高水平的专业精神行事, 尊重, 在我们寻求共同立场,努力实现相互理解的过程中,我们要保持文明.

包含: We provide a fair and welcoming environment where all voices are heard and meaningfully included to contribute to the growth and success of 韦德买球网站. 我们采取有意的行动, 挑战我们的假设, 培养归属感, 尊重个人和不同群体的独特性.

信任: 我们总是把别人看得最好, 优先考虑的透明度, 诚实地交流, 清晰, 和一致性. We do this thoughtfully by including all stakeholders in the decision-making process and following through with our commitments.


策略框架1 -教学 & 学习

Enhance and 扩大 innovative teaching and learning practices that result in a quality education for all.

1.1 到2026年,将秋季课程完成率从77%提高到81%. (全日制,兼职,成人学生,BIPOC,第一代.)

  • Assess the effectiveness of the 韦德买球网站 website with a particular emphasis on how information about student support 服务 is delivered.
  • 开发一个易于访问的, one-click "information hub" that will allow faculty and staff to connect students with support 服务.
  • 重新设计, 加强, 扩大门户、高风险、高招生课程的补充教学.
  • 为2023年秋季迁移到Canvas开发、实施、支持和评估LMS迁移计划.
  • Scale up and remove barriers to academic engagements that qualify as high impact practices including service learning, 学习社区, 荣誉, 和实习.

1.2 到2026年,将首次攻读学位的学生的秋季保留率从53%提高到57%. (全日制,兼职,成人学生,BIPOC,第一代.)

  • 推进, 扩大, 并评估OER计划,为学生节省大量成本, 特别关注与文化相关的材料. 重新设计 the academic probation outreach and support process in order to build stronger connections and help students improve academic standing. 提供预先的财务支持选择.
  • 扩大SAMP计划,以提高女性、非双性恋和变性学生的GPA和保留率.
  • 建立系统来推广和支持Itsy Bitsy儿童手表,并为学生家长提供相关支持.
  • 扩展和推广THRIVE服务和宅基地市场.

1.3 到2026年,将首次攻读学位的学生150%的毕业率从17%提高到21%. (全日制,兼职,成人学生,BIPOC,第一代.)

  • 为导航用户制定一个ay2023教育和培训计划.
  • 系统化的建议,确保所有的新, 重新接纳, and transfer degree or certificate-seeking students will have an academic plan created in Navigate prior to completing their first semester with 15 credits.
  • 重新设计录取新生, 取向, and program days to increase student contact from first point of entry to the college with program chairs and coordinators.
  • Scaffold/redesign certificate programs (interdisciplinary pathways) within parent associate degree programs and align academic programs with workforce development.

1.4 Assess the impact of a program of equity-focused professional development offered to all faculty and staff by 2026.

  • 研究教师和工作人员的微证书选择, 组织和组织焦点小组以获得社区反馈.
  • 创建一年的专业发展活动学术日历.
  • 为所有韦德买球网站员工制定全面的入职和离职计划.
  • 发展全面的, 多模, 为所有教职员工提供以公平为重点的专业发展计划.
  • Develop an assessment and data-tracking system for participants in all professional development through the Center for Excellence.
  • 为教师制定积极学习空间和相关专业发展计划.

战略框架2 -股权 & 学生的成功


2.1 Decrease the fall course completion gap between BIPOC and white students from 10 points to 6 points by 2026.

  • 建立一个确定基本需求(儿童保育)的系统, 住房, 食品不安全, 学习支持, 等.),以作支援及转介之用.
  • Provide faculty with the knowledge and 技能 necessary to support BIPOC students by integrating service use into the classroom (library, 写作中心, 数学实验室, 辅导中心, 等.).
  • Develop and operationalize a process for ensuring all student-facing print materials are available in Spanish.

2.2 到2026年,将BIPOC和白人学生之间的保留率差距从13个百分点缩小到9个百分点.

  • 重新设计ALANA计划.
  • Expand the use of progress reports/early alerts to new student populations and with a particular emphasis on BIPOC students.
  • 评估旨在提高女性、LGBTQ+和BIPOC学生保留率的韦德体育网址.

2.3 到2026年,将BIPOC和白人学生之间的毕业差距从11分减少到7分.

  • Latinx学生, 由埃尔森特罗支持, will receive wrap-around support and holistic 服务 designed to keep them on track to timely graduation.
  • 创建一个集中的系统来跟踪学生活动的参与情况.

2.4 Decrease the gap between BIPOC and white students transferring to four-year institutions from 11 points to 7 points by 2026.

  • Increase support for transfer and the 通路 program with a focus on removing barriers and providing targeted outreach to BIPOC students.

2.5 到2026年,将西班牙裔秋季全职员工从660人增加到772人.

  • 与社区伙伴合作, 进一步开展专门针对西班牙裔人口的招聘工作.

战略框架3——劳动力发展 & 转移


3.1 到2026年,将转入四年制大学的学生比例从19%提高到23%. (全日制,兼职,成人学生,BIPOC,第一代.)

  • Create a comprehensive inventory of transfer programs that includes the analysis of data relative to all disaggregated groups. Create a strategic plan for transfer that includes the review of transfer programs with all academic departments and SMART goals for the increase of direct transfer rates.

3.2 到2026年,将非学分课程的韦德买球网站人数从2700人增加到3500人. (成人学生分类,BIPOC,第一代.)

  • Create a system for the collection of 业务 and Community Services Division data in order to identify baselines and track expansion in existing 技能 training programs.
  • 开发新的非信贷韦德体育网址,以提高与区域行业的一致性.
  • 为说西班牙语的人创造新的职业培训选择.\
  • 扩大在线和混合培训选择.

3.3 到2026年,增加韦德买球网站非学分学生进韦德买球网站分课程的比例. (成人学生分类,BIPOC,第一代.)

  • 创建一个数据收集系统,用于跟踪非学分完成到学分注册号码.
  • 将先前学习/先前学习评估选项的非学分扩展到学分.
  • 探索和开发从非学分到学位/证书课程的可堆叠路径.

3.4 到2026年,增加毕业后就业的学生人数. (成人学生分类,BIPOC,第一代.)

  • 探索利用非信贷资助报告的机会.
  • 利用握手和其他职业工具来扩大职业准备和就业安置.
  • 制定一个获取和利用Lightcast和MassHire就业数据的实施策略.
  • Explore collaboration between the Institutional Research and 校友 Relations to track alumni employment.
  • 跟踪历年非信用完成者的就业数据.

战略框架4 -财务可持续性


4.1 到2026年,将年度总学分从65,500增加到67,465.

  • Continue a systematic process of ongoing website improvements focused on increased student and family accessibility.
  • 继续扩大课程安排和模式创新的机会,包括远程, hyflex, 晚上, 周末, 还有暑期课程. 实施和评估计划的招生和录取措施. Coordinate marketing and strategic communication activities with relevant areas to positively impact enrollment.

4.2 增加年度慈善捐款总额, 包括遗产承诺, 捐赠给韦德买球网站基金会.7500万到8美元.到2026年将达到500万. (按个人、公司、私人拨款分类.)

  • 为领导捐献干事开发一个建立巨额捐献前景档案的系统, 机构发展副总裁, 和总裁,以促进成功的移动管理.
  • 为公司的一致性制定一个流程, 基金会, 及政府谘询函件及学院策略计划拨款申请.
  • Optimize database information to provide more accurate and complete information on alumni and prospects.
  • Launch faculty/staff and retiree campaign that includes opportunities for payroll deduction and planned gift options.
  • Launch a micro-philanthropy campaign that engages the community in specific fundraising opportunities across campus.

4.3 到2026年,将每年捐赠给韦德买球网站基金会的独特捐赠者总数增加50%.

  • 增加影响运动的使用,以留住目前的捐助者. Collaborate with Institutional Research to create a process for obtaining accurate contact information from soon-to-be graduates.

4.4 将除去学生学费和杂费的总年收入从9美元增加,442,000 to $9,725,260 by 2026. (按与年度州拨款无关的专款/资金分列, 州和联邦拨款, 其他.)

  • 每年1月前准备一份潜在的州和联邦专项拨款申请清单.
  • Collaborate with the 14 其他 community colleges to come up with a shortlist of state appropriation requests that Massachusetts Associations of Community Colleges could pursue in January of every year.
  • 提高教职员工在申请联邦拨款过程中的参与度.
  • 探索并向内阁报告新的收入来源的机会,包括, 但不限于, 租赁收入.

4.5 到2026年,将流程重新构想和重新设计韦德体育网址的实施从4个增加到10个.

  • 对流程重新构想和重新设计韦德体育网址的系统进行操作, 包括确定和优先考虑潜在韦德体育网址, 促进新韦德体育网址的实施, 评估已完成韦德体育网址的影响.

点击这里 查看存档版本的韦德买球网站 2019-2022战略计划.



课程策划总监 & 评估


Marieb 223

413.552.2284 (电话)